Getting Started - Android


1. rtWork Installation and Registration
2. rtWork usage


To install rtWork, user need to do the following steps:

Step 1: Download rtWork

Step 2: Register rtWork

- Depending on the project/service types, user will be granted specific Project code, User name and Password.
- Depending on the app versions, the user interface may be different from this guide; however, basically, the REGISTRATION screen will include the following: Project code, Username, Password, Change-device Code (this change-device cde will be granted by administrator for specific cases).


After successfully registering rtWork, the app homescreen will show up.


Functions of icons on the toolbar:

A. Homescreen:
This item contains the system modules and functionality modules

B. Chat:
This item contains chat rooms serving the purpose of work communication
(See more details here)

C. Notification:
This item contains notifications or reminders sent from server
(See more details here)

D. Notes:
This item allows users to make quick notes: fill in text, take photographs,...
(See more details here)

E. User Profile:
This item displays basic information of user and rtWork app and allows users to do some actions: changing avatars, changing passwords, signing out app,...
(See more details here)

Functions of system modules on homescreen

1. Fill form :
This item contains blank forms for users to collect data

2. Edit form:
This item contains incomplete instances for users to edit data

3. Send form:
This item contains finished instances waiting for users to submit to server

4. Review form:
This item contains finished and/or submitted instances for users to review the details of data entry

5. Reports:
This item contains analytics and reports

6. Documents:
This item contains documents serving the work operation and/or project management

7. Map:
This item allows users to quickly search for location or routes to follow for data collection purposes

8. Exit:
This item allows users to temporarily exit from the rtWork app